Founders and ancestors
Being in connection with where you come from provides a solid ground to stand on.
The ancestral field: in our Western culture, there is usually little focus on this. We know our parents, grandparents, and, with any luck, our great-grandparents. The past is often literally left behind, and we focus on the future. As a result, we forget that we are building on from the shoulders of those who came before us.
Being in connection with where you come from provides solid ground to stand on. Cutting yourself off from it takes energy away. That does not mean we should agree with everything that has been. You have your own path to walk, a path your parents may not agree with. Living from this form of ‘infidelity’ can be uncomfortable and painful. But that is what growing is all about.
You too will one day belong to the ancestor field. Who are you when you consciously connect with who comes after you? Which legacy do you want to leave to your children, your company, society?
Working with the ancestor field: part of Noomly’s DNA
Working with the ancestral field forms part of Noomly’s unique identity. Evelyne’s learning trajectory that started with Weaving Wisdom (Ria Verlinden) and was continued in South Africa (‘Faciliator of African Constellations’ with Tanja Meyburgh) has undoubtedly played a big role in this, where an inner fire was additionally fuelled. Sometimes she deploys working with the ancestral field subtly and invisibly in the interventions she does. Then again, clearly focused and clear using ancestor field constellations or in rituals.
Honouring the ancestors means being aware that you are not alone, but that you carry the whole field of all those who have gone before you. You are always recycled material: your DNA contains all your ancestors. They are not an abstract concept but a fact… Even if you cannot put a face or a name on all of them, life has come to you through them. To cut yourself off from your ancestors, is to cut yourself off from your life flow.
Ancestor work invites you to look at what has been, to build on the power that resides in it and to respectfully leave behind what does not serve you. The trick is to walk your unique path and to stay in relationship with your roots.
Founders: ancestors in the corporate context
When we bring ancestral work into the organisation, we ask the question:
Who were the founders?
What was the spark that brought the organisation to life?
What was the initial desire, the driving force that created the organisation?
What were striking events within the company’s history?
Can those events be honoured, even if they were difficult?
Organisations that honour their origins and their founders are more solid and resilient.
Within organisations, the original founders are regarded as the ancestors. Even if they are no longer around, it is powerful for both the organisation and the founders themselves that they can still take on a role of ‘elder’ or ‘elder sage’. For example, they can remain available to give advice (when asked to do so) while leaving room for successors. Sometimes, however, founding fathers continue to roam around in the organisation too frequently. Even though this is well-intentioned, it usually has a negative effect by creating confusion and loyalty conflicts.
Organisations that honour their origins and their founders are more robust and resilient. Leaders who actively contribute in this way support the message that they are aware that the company did not start with them. They receive from those who preceded them but realise that their presence also adds something. Their ego then has the appropriate size.
Authenticity leads to impact
Wondering how working with the ancestral field can bring more awareness within your organisation or leadership? In collaboration with Ria Verlinden and Junior Sephunyane Mthombeni, Evelyne Debeuckelaer and ‘Roots & Waves’ guide a unique multi-day in-depth programme in which working with the ancestral field is a common thread.
Triggered in what that could mean for you?