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In daring to get lost

shows the way.

How do I proceed?


How the collaboration looks very practical always depends on your question and the  context of your business. We discuss this in detail at the start of the collaboration and evaluate it in the interim. In both leadership team  as organizational coaching, the following building blocks and points of attention form the core of my approach:


intake:  to the core  


In an intake we will discuss what the  question 'behind' is the question. After all, the most visible problem is often not what it is really about. 
By engaging in in-depth discussion, it becomes clear what is at stake
  stands. Why is this so? Who benefits from it  that the situation remains as it is? Where is the energy to change?  And am I the right person  to help you in this  question?

Co creation


No question is identical to the other, and at the same time the same issues often cross my path. Each time in a different context; and it is the context that is decisive. And I'll take you on a journey to walk the process together, with your ingredients to develop the recipe together, following your rhythm every time. And answering a question is like building a bridge while walking on it together.



I like to offer organizations and people the glasses from an external perspective, namely that of the (organizational) coach, to learn to look at themselves.

Knowing  that every system is intelligent and shows what it

can handle and what not.

I guide you in learning to embrace 'not knowing' and help you with this  to find peace.

Systemic perspective


Groups (whether it is a family or an organization) are nurtured and governed by 3 laws (everyone and everything has a place; the hierarchy wants to be respected; giving & receiving strives to

in a healthy


Organizations can get stuck if those laws are unintentionally and unconsciously thrown out of balance.  

Where repetitions are visible throughout an organization or team, there is a pattern that sputters with or against. Recognizing and acknowledging that pattern is a first step towards transformation.

the undertow


What is visible and what  not? That which is not visibly present (informal leadership, connections in the organizations that run differently than what an organization chart shows, unspoken resentment – the elephant in the closet,…) is just as present as that which is visible (a mission text, a strategy , the organizational structure).

that invisible  undercurrent is very decisive. I try to feel and name these. This also includes the voice of the minority. This often unheard voice  bringing it up is an enormous enrichment for the already known voice of the majority.



I like to use the following models:

- Deep Democracy

- Connecting Communication

- Patrick Lencionic

- Consent decision making


And that is a never-ending story, because 'long will I learn'.




I believe in play, because deep down we are all big children, and a game activates something else that makes us feel 'freer', and we look and reason differently… - and this without losing sight of depth.



At other times, rituals can come in handy. Rituals are already present in business, but are not seen or recognized as such. Just think of a reception at the New Year or at a merger, a retirement party, etc. Moments when people consider it important to connect employees with each other and with the organization, and that can be given even more depth.

A wide network


Sometimes an issue requires a certain expertise or complementarity. I bring colleagues from my network with me, if presence can provide added value, or if my agenda does not allow me to fully address your question. ​

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Do you have questions about your organization?

Do you want your team and yourself as  grow a leader?

Would you like to know what coaching can do for you?



contact me
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  a  no-obligation intake interview

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